File contributed to OHGenWeb Project by
Sandra Bagwell
August 19, 1999

"They are Obits. that were from clippings that were copied and passed down through the family. I know they originated in Oklahoma but I don't have the name of the newspaper on them....would say from a newspaper in Alva, OK but I may be wrong."

Charles Wesley Gray

Charles W. Gray died Sept. 16, 1911, age 77 years, 7 months, and 29 days. He was converted in 1853 and joined the United Breathern Church, of which we was a faithful member until his death. During all this long period of profession he lived a most examplory and triumpant Christian live, being filled constantly to all appereances, with joy and peace divine. Faithful in attendance on all means of grace, he will be much missed in the church which he adorned all his life. He was married to Barbara E. Newman in Stark Co. Ohio, March 10, 1856. To this union eight children were born, three of whom preceded him in the better world beyond. He was a veteran of the Civil war, having served in Co. E. 115th Ohio Volunteers for about three years and six months. In the fall of 1867 he moved his family from Ohio to Missouri where he purchased a home. After remaining there for thrity years he came to Oklahoma where he lived until his death. He leaves a loving wife, and five children to mourn. Funeral services were held at the home, conducted by Rev. Reeves Pastor of U.B. church, Alva, Okla. Interment was made in the Capron Cemetery

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